January 7, 2025


By: Mark Tomaszewski / News

On Tuesday April 1, 2025 local dues will increase to $25 per month for all journeymen and apprentices, retirees will remain the same.  If you have already paid for the year or wish to do so, please contact Kellie Albert at the office and you can pay the additional or entire amount over the phone.

Kellie Albert
Local #432 Admin

Thank you for your cooperation.

On behalf of Local Union #432 we hope everyone is off to a good start to the new year. As a valued member of the local we want to keep you up to date and current with important news, local announcements, dues payment information, and more. Within the EASRCC it was tasked that each local increase their dues. We had and completed our vote as a local, and those present voted to pass this into the Bylaws on 11/20/2024. This dues increase will go into effect 4/1/2025. Both journeymen and apprentices will be $25 per month. If you have paid your dues in advance, then at the end of the quarter or fiscal year you will need to pay the remaining balance due.

EXAMPLE 1: Currently as a journeyman, if you pay for the year it will be $252 (12 months), you will be $36 short at the end of the year. January – March dues will be $21 per month ($63- 3 months). April-December dues will be $25 per month ($225- 9 months). In 2025 a year of dues will be $288. In 2026 a year of dues will be $300.

EXAMPLE 2: Currently as an apprentice, if you pay for the year it will be $228 (12 months), you will be $54 short at the end of the year. January – March dues will be $19 a month ($57- 3 months). April-December dues will be $25 a month ($225- 9 months). In 2025 a year of dues will be $282. In 2026 a year of dues will be $300.

IMPORTANT: Dues increase effective 4/1/2025

  • Dues will increase from $21 to $25 per month for all journeymen.
  • Dues will increase from $19 to $25 per month for all apprentices.
  • Retirees will remain the same amount.

As a friendly dues reminder, please access the ONLINE DUES PAYMENT SYSTEM at and choose “DUES PAYMENTS” or with your mobile smartphone, scan the QR Code designated at the bottom of the page. If you do not have internet or a mobile smartphone capability, please call (412) 444-4559 to process a credit/debit card payment by phone. You may also mail a check/money order payable to Local Union #432 (include your UBC # on the check) and mail to the address above.

Fraternally yours,
Mark Tomaszewski
Recording Secretary Local #432